Monday 21 May 2007

Last AGM in Manchester

Buffet Co-op Meeting Co-op Meeting #2
If you really want a full size picture, click away (warning they are big). We've got a buffet, and some of us from Withington Co-op Party - Kathy, Tom and Chris, and holding the voting card Andy from the Co-op College. We're all at the United Co-operative, AGM, at the People's Museum, Manchester. Got a kilo of paper reports on my lap, two ballot papers for elections to the board and members relations, a ten pound shopping voucher and a questionnaire that could win you a food hamper...

Manchester has a reputation as being a difficult meeting, but I notice the usual windbags haven't shown. So after 35 minutes the reports are approved. Liked the bit that all energy is from "green" providers, the irony that selling Land Rovers (4x4 gas guzzlers) has done well, and funeral division has increased it's market share in a declining market.

Paul gives the Area Co-op Party report. Nobody ever asks a question about this, no matter how interesting you make it. Members Relations as ever gets the attention. Hardy Lane store is getting a half a million pound extension, should be ready before the end of the year. We always get a question about this store - it's the only one left with a meeting room above the shop.

So at 2029h the vote for the merger. Hold up your cards - all for, none against. Then a surprise rule change to 106(c). It is to avoid any possible tax liabilities with the merger. Not sure anybody really understood it, five questions later it got passed all for, none against.

Put ballot papers in the box, hand in questionnaire, and some people take the invitation to make doggy bags (some literally treats for their big dogs).