Saturday 2 February 2008

Co-ops UK NW more than think

Speaker Spent an afternoon at the Co-op UK North West meeting - a get together of all co-operatives in this part of the planet. We got the big names speaking first - Pauline Green from Co-ops UK, and Moira Lees from Co-operative Group. After a break you get me, as seen in the photo. It's only when I got home that I found out someone had used my camera to take the picture. That's co-operation for you. A very positive and inspirational meeting. There are more mutuals out there than you'll ever read about - met growers from Growing With Grace, Salford Leisure, Supporters Direct, Huyton Elderley Housing. Just a few notes..Pauline Green stating that co-operatives arn't an alternative to doing business they are a better way of doing business...Moira Lees pointing out that people are calling for co-operative solutions giving this just this week's examples of fans of Liverpool FC wanting to do their own buy out, and the residents on tiny Eigg with their community energy solution.