Friday 10 August 2007

Co-operative Green Buildings

You'll be aware of co-operatives gaining green credentials by not just talking the maxims but actually constructing in an eco-way e.g. CIS Tower solar panels.

Unicorn Co-operative Grocery, Chorlton, Manchester are completing their green roof - but it actually comes in brown, complete with wooden decked area. "The roof – which will measure almost 385 square meters – will be made up of a sedum area, a brown area and a wetland, including a pond which will be filled with rain water.

The biodiversity project has been funded by the community organisation, SITA Trust, through the Landfill Communities Fund, and work has been carried out by volunteers from the conservation charity, British Trust for Conservation Volunteers" Story & photos in South Manchester Reporter - Link

Preview video of roof under construction 1.28 seconds. Link

The Co-operative Bank is working in conjunction with Living Space 21 to offer affordable sustainable housing. You need to check out to see the £60,000 homes on offer - though will need some land and planning permission to go with that low price tag.