Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Co-operative Housing: a way to address the housing crisis?

Co-operative Housing is not a big deal in the UK but it could be. European average is 15%, this island it's a mere 0.6%.

Check this out, maybe even find out about the Bill currently in Parliament to change things for the easier.

Thursday 24th November, 1830 - 2000 local time & GMT
Committee Room 1, Town Hall, Albert Square, Manchester M2 5DB

Jonathan Reynolds, Labour & Co-operative MP and campaigner for Co-operative Housing Tenure - yes it his Bill in Parliament, 2nd reading in January
David Rodgers, Chief Executive CDS Co-ops
Cllr Colin Lambert, Leader of Rochdale Borough Council (tbc)
Chair: Cllr Sue Murphy, Deputy Leader, Manchester City Council - one of our own in Withington Co-Op Party and always speaks out on co-operative issues.

A better written version is on the Co-Op Party news page here.