2010 Result : Manchester Withington
John Leech (LD) 20110 45% +3%
Lucy Powell (Lab) 18216 40% -1%
Christopher Green (Con) 5005 11% +1%
Brian Candeland (Grn) 798 2% -2%
Robert Gutfreund-Walmsley
(UKIP) 698 2% +1%
Yasmin Zalzala (Ind) 147 <1% <1%
Marcus Farmer (Ind) 57 <1% <1%
Majority 1894 5% Turnout: 60% (+5%)
Liberal Democrats hold. Oh well, disappointment.
The vote was finally declared at around 0730h on Friday morning. Already had two sleep breaks, so much for predictions of 0300h and 0500h declarations. Twitter and #MEN2010 (Manchester Evening News) proved useful but the winner for bringing the actual local result went to BBC Radio Manchester live in the Town Hall.