Thursday 17 January 2008

South Members Group

BannerThe AGM season started last night when myself and our Secretary turned up to the South Manchester Co-op Members Group. In fact any member of the Co-operative can go to these meetings, but the reality was there was only 16 in the room.

We started off with a minute silence for Ruth Frow who died recently. Ruth and her late husband have left a legacy for the country, the Working Class Movement Library.

The business was brief. You know the drill. How much money have we got and the same people are re-elected unopposed 'cos nobody else wants anymore work. Then there is a report of the recent Co-operative trading figures - food up, pharmacy down, funerals up, travel down, motors doldrums.

The best part of going to meetings like this is the networking. Everyone in the room is involved in different groups - everything from socialist choirs, fairtrade, sustainabilty, Labour Party, Woodcraft...The other good bit are the refreshments. Tonight I'm going for coffee and some of premium biscuits.

So what do the Members Group do? Essentially organise trips, talks and events. The next one is the showing of Black Gold at the Blue Box Theatre, Chorlton on Wednesday 27th February - admission free. The Co-op Party is helping out with this. I was a bit worried that no one will come until I heard from everyone how they would be publicising the event. Can't beat a network, well let's hope so.